You are already Perfect Divine Love.
Devrah Laval
Twenty Five years ago Devrah Laval, masterful counsellor, facilitator and author of The Magic Doorway into the Divine and Leap To Freedom Healing Quantum Guilt
Devrah had a life-altering mystical experience that awakened her to her own true nature. Devrah’s open heart of immense knowing and compassion is freely shared with those eager to experience the jouney home to their own heart of knowing and fulfillment. The place where all doubts resolve into Love.and rest in the secret sensations of the self.
Enlightened Guests
I would like to invite you to listen to my show archives CLICK HERE FOR DEVRAH’S SHOW
The Magic Doorway
If you would like to order a copy of The Magic Doorway Into The Divine Click Here.
“The light of God is very bright and traveling towards it takes great courage.”
Love Devrah
Spiritual Coaching Sessions
As the lyrics from a Bob Dylan song go, “The times they are a changing.” These times are no different and in fact, they seem to be changing faster now than ever before. We have advanced more in the past 150 years then we have in the previous 10,000 years.
Needless to say, this carries with it far greater stresses and strains on every level of one’s being. Everywhere we look in our world, we see separation and suffering, and this naturally weighs heavily on us all.
Devrah Laval is currently writing her third book and over the past 30+ years has facilitated workshops and has been a spiritual counsellor and coach, mentor and guide for anyone ready to think outside the box of limiting concepts and beliefs. Devrah uses a non-dualistic approach to addressing issues of any nature. She is an empath and has great compassion, patience and wisdom. It’s been said that working with Devrah is like experiencing the first rays of sunlight after a torrential rain.
Devrah serves from the place of love and oneness, helping individuals return to, and live the Truth of who they really are.
in booking an initial free mini consult, please send all inquiries to: and write, “mini consult” in the subject line.
Click the video below to hear what others have to say about working with Devrah:
To Book a coaching session please place your name in the form below and click “BUY NOW!”
Leap To Freedom Audiobook
Click the audio player to hear a sample of the audiobook:
As our expression of Love to you for the holidays, Devrah is gifting the first 50 people who sign up,
with a FREE copy on Audible of her inspirational book, Leap to Freedom,Healing Quantum Guilt.”
All we ask is that you share this offer on with your social media contacts.
Mystic Inspiration Cards
You can purchase a physical copy of Devrah’s Mystic Inspiration Cards via the Paypal button below.