
“You are already Perfect Divine Love”

Devrah Laval is a best selling author and offers spiritual coaching. Twenty Five years ago Devrah Laval, masterful counsellor, facilitator and author of The Magic Doorway into the Divine and Leap To Freedom Healing Quantum Guilt. Devrah had a life-altering mystical experience that awakened her to her own true nature. Devrah’s open heart of immense knowing and compassion is freely shared with those eager to experience the jouney home to their own heart of knowing and fulfillment. The place where all doubts resolve into Love and rest in the secret sensations of the self.

Celebrating Devrah Laval’s New Book Launch!

Naked Truth: The Power of Meaninglessness

The term “Naked Truth” comes from a fable in which, as the story goes, Truth and Falsehood went bathing. Falsehood went and dressed in Truth’s clothes, and Truth, refusing to take another’s clothes, went naked. The latest release from celebrated author and healer, Devrah Leval, ‘Naked Truth – The Power of Meaninglessness’ also sheds the clothes of concepts and beliefs and posits perspectives that may for some, be difficult to hear let alone consider…. More

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Bestselling Books


The Magic Doorway into the Divine

The Magic Doorway into the Divine chronicles a search that began at the age of twenty-nine when a life-altering mystical experience and profound healing awakened me to my true Self.

Leap to Freedom Healing Quantum Guilt

What if we no longer have to live in fear of suffering and eternal damnation, or be plagued by constant nagging doubt or unworthiness brought on by the beliefs in sin and guilt? What if, instead, we could live every moment in the state of love and peace, and thereby be better able to fulfill our true purpose?


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“The greatest suffering in the human form is not being seen as Divine.”

Spiritual Coaching

As the lyrics from a Bob Dylan song go, “The times they are a changing.” These times are no different and in fact, they seem to be changing faster now than ever before. We have advanced more in the past 150 years then we have in the previous 10,000 years.
Needless to say, this carries with it far greater stresses and strains on every level of one’s being. Everywhere we look in our world, we see separation and suffering, and this naturally weighs heavily on us all. Devrah Laval is currently writing her third book and over the past 30+ years has facilitated workshops and has been a spiritual counsellor and coach, mentor and guide for anyone ready to think outside the box of limiting concepts and beliefs.

Learn more about Coachings

David Hoffmeister

David Hoffmeister
David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration that peace is possible. He is known for his practical application of the non-dual teachings necessary to experience the Unified Mind. His clarity about the function of forgiveness in spiritual awakening and his radical use of mindful movie-watching in the release of judgment is Enlightening. He is as comfortable delving into the metaphysics of the movie The Matrix, as he is in pointing to the underlying meaning of the scriptures in the Bible. David’s own journey involved the study of many pathways, culminating in a deeply committed practical application of A Course in Miracles, of which he is a renowned teacher and international speaker.

Listen to David on Devrah’s Radio Show
“Living in Quantum Love with Devrah Laval – Part 1”

“Living in Quantum Love with Devrah Laval – Part 2”

Learn more about David Hoffmeister

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Listen to Devrahs radio show and her guest appearances

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Read Devrah’s blog about the Divine