“You are already Perfect Divine Love”
Devrah Laval is a best selling author on Amazon. When she was twenty-nine years old, Devrah Laval, masterful counsellor, facilitator and author of the trilogy of books including The Magic Doorway into the Divine, Leap To Freedom – Healing Quantum Guilt and most recently, Naked Truth – The Power of Meaninglessness, had a life-altering mystical experience from deeply questioning “Who am I?” This led her to awakening to her own true nature. Devrah’s open heart of immense knowing and compassion is freely shared with those eager to experience the journey home to their own heart of knowing and fulfillment. The place where all doubts resolve into Love and rest in the secret sensations of the self.
The Trilogy is Now Complete!
Naked Truth: The Power of Meaninglessness
Best Selling Books

The Magic Doorway into the Divine

Leap to Freedom Healing Quantum Guilt

Click the audio player to hear a sample of the audiobook:

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Devrah Laval’s Giving Tree
Devrah Laval has touched many lives through her work and her current and past contributions continue to inspire and uplift many. If you would like to support her ongoing impact, please consider making a donation that will assist Devrah to more freely serve anyone searching for insight, direction or truth.
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“The greatest suffering in the human form is not being seen as Divine.”